The real story of our genetic complexity

Human Microbiome

The human microbiota is the aggregate of microorganisms that  on the surface and in deep layers of skin, in the saliva and oral mucosa, in the conjunctiva, and in the gastrointestinal tracts and the human microbiome refer to their genomes. The microbiome is reckoned to have around 3 million functional genes compared to human beings 23,000 and the far larger genome of the microbiome has correspondingly greater capabilities in modulating human health and well being. Microbiome’s health and diversity is a growing theme in medical research for treating autoimmune, infectious, and metabolic diseases.

Microbiome & Health

Everyone’s got a personal collection of microbiota. You could think of yours as your unique internal pet—at up to 3 percent of your body mass requiring nurturing and feeding. In turn, your microbiota provide essential services: extracting energy from food, absorbing and generating vitamins and amino acids and forming barriers against infective invaders. New studies are showing your microbiota might also fight diabetes, obesity and cancer stimulate your immune system break down toxins and boost your overall health.

The gut microbiota has a crucial role in metabolic health, but researchers are only just determining the mechanisms underpinning this effect. Studies have found that specific class of bacteria that degrades mucin in the gut lining and can have beneficial effects on metabolic disorders, has a key role in systemic glucose metabolism. These classes of bacteria modulates glucose metabolism by altering gene expression of certain key biomolecules in ileum.

Everyone’s microbiome appears to be unique and is readily modified by diet, its multiple microorganisms seem to have overlapping roles and applied microbiome interventions could revolutionize the way we think about gut bacteria in relation to weight loss, immunity, disease and the creation of essential nutrients.Changes in microbiome composition and diversity are associated with the development of metabolic diseases and microbiome is considered as the next big platform for diagnostic and drug discovery for treating autoimmune, metabolic and infectious diseases. There are a number of benefits in microbiome-based approach in controlling or treating metabolic diseases unlike human genome sequence-based interventions. Further, emerging scientific information shows the importance of microbiome in determining your healthy life-span.

We at Biom Pharmaceuticals realize the enormous importance of human commensal microbiota. Our research and product development efforts are targeted towards harnessing the potential of microbiome for future personalized medicine and preventative care.

Health Tip

Human Microbiome is now considered as a highly adaptable “human organ” with multitude of metabolic functions in human body.

Human Commensal Microbiota refers to the microbial flora naturally living in human body. The total collection of all of their genes is called Human Microbiome.

Health Tip

Gut microbiome are in constant communication with our body’s cells; to the point that our intestinal flora is said to be our second brain!

Human microbiome  plays a critical role in maintaining our Health & Longevity

Health Tip

Microbiome and Immune system’s cross-talk during early life stages can shape the proper development of immune system. Any impairments in this process can leads to several immune disorders later in life

Among the human microbes, Gut microbiome is the major one, which has far reaching impact on human health

Gut Microbiome comprises of 100 trillion microbes and contains over 3 million microbial genes modulating human genome.

Over 1000 species of bacteria have been catalogued from gut flora and can weigh up to 2kg!

Human Microbiome Functions

Immune Functions

  • Proper maturation and maintenance of immune tissues
  • Control and maintain immune homeostasis
  • Produces immune-molecules such as butyric acid, antimicrobial peptides, key signaling molecules, natural antibiotics
  • Prevents the growth of disease-causing pathogenic bacteria

Digestive Functions

  • Enhances digestion by enzymes, vitamins & growth factors

  • Produces gut hormones, & balances intestinal PH
  • Control the gut motility & proper colonic tone for bowel movement

Metabolic Functions

  • Regulates energy balance by harvest & expenditure from diet
  • Controls appetite & satiety
  • Increases insulin sensitivity, controls adiposity and optimum maintenance of body weight
  • Proper cholesterol metabolism for cardiovascular health
  • Helps liver to metabolize & detoxify drugs (.e.g. OPOIODS, NSAIDs)

Brain Functions

  • Gut-brain axis modulates behaviors-mood, emotion, stress response, appetite, addiction
  • Microbiome regulates tryptophan metabolism and the serotonergic system
  • Gut microbiota has important function in visceral sensitivity & perception

  • Produces neuroactive & cognitive enhancing metabolites
  • Regulates cyrcadian rhythm & proper sleep pattern

Longevity & Healthy Aging Functions

  • Produces longevity enhancing metabolites from diet such as Urolithins, Quercetins etc.

  • Produces anti-cancer metabolites from natural compounds
  • Regulates & balances key endocrine hormones

Anti-Inflammatory Functions

  • Enhances the gut barrier function to reduce “leaky gut-mediated inflammation”
  • Produces anti-inflammatory molecules
  • Reduces endotoxin mediated chronic inflammation
  • Enhances skin barrier function to reduce dermatological allergic diseases

Our gut microbiome evolves from birth to a mature homeostatic core microbiome modulating several beneficial functions. Any disturbances is called dysbiosis which can alter the normal balance.

Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome is caused by the imbalance between the commensal and pathogenic microbiomes.

Todays Dysbiosis has been linked with several disease conditions such as

Health Tip

Healthy and diverse diet can promote a diversified Microbiome which in turn helps to protect our health.

Microbiome Diversification is critical to achieve optimum health & longevity